Over Now
There are something's about this year that I'll never be able to get back. I lost what felt like a lot but really they turned out to be blessings in disguise. I'm thankful that God was able to create beauty out of ashes of burnt trials and tribulations in my life. What did I learn most you ask? Allow me to give you my top 5 things and hope that they will give you life as you head into a new year. 1. God is always here with me even when I cannot feel him or sometimes in my eyes falls silent. This year there were so many times where I felt so alone and made the decision to seek everyone but God. One day while I was in my quiet time God reminded me that he not left my side. He showed me constant things about him and his love for me in the word. You want to know the crazy thing? I still chose humans over him! They constantly disappointed me because humans are not meant to be everything to everyone. They are only meant for certain seasons in our lives and cannot give us the lov...