You Got This

What a week this one has been. I had finals and that stressed me out and I was just feeling overall defeated. I really couldn't convey to my friends about how I really was feeling because they were just as stressed as me. Sunday night I decided to really just stop. I stopped and pulled out my journal and my Bible and I began to dive into the word. I remember asking my roommate what our positive affirmation for the week was going to be and she said "eat more ice cream sandwiches" haha needless to say I stared at her. I decided on this "no matter what this week throws my way I am determined to be more than a conqueror" she loved this.

I wanted God to take away this feeling of stress that I had. God led me to Romans 8:28-39 and then I was like okay God I see you! Then Monday I was talking to my roommate and I asked her what her favorite scripture was and she said she loved all of Romans 8. I laughed out loud literally because that was the second time he dropped that in my spirit. Here is the kicker Wednesday I just so happened to be texting someone about something she had given me and I wanted to place it in my Bible and I asked her what her favorite scripture was and her reply was "Romans 8:28 :)" I was like wait really? I was like okay now I'm listening so Wednesday night I went to church and the speaker spoke on this passage and he completely wrecked me with his analogies and comparisons to real life things.

God works in "all things" for our good. This does not mean that everything that happens to us will be good. Evil is very much present in our world but God is able to turn every circumstance around for our good. God is not working to make us happy but to fulfill his purpose for our lives. God's ultimate goal is to make us like Christ (1 John 3:2). When we become more like Christ that's when we truly find ourselves, the people that we are created to be. I know as humans sometimes we feel like we are not good enough and God won't save us in the time of trouble, but that's not true God is always in our corner pushing us to greater heights though him.

Here is my message for you this week. You got this! Look I don't know your situation. Someone may be stressed about finances, another one of you may be hurting about a failed relationship I want to tell you that you got this. God has created us to be more than conquerors! He has a desire to tap into such a great plan for us. You want to know what hurts God? When we hurt. It's that simple and the enemy really comes in and attacks your mind and your heart when you are in a situation where you have lost something that you value. That is how satan reaches us when we are in our darkest hour, but get this God comes in, in the midst of that dark time and he shows you the light. I want each and every person reading this right now to know that you are more than a conqueror and that God has not forgotten about you.

I don't know about you but I needed this. For God to continue to drop this in my spirit all week is crazy to me. So here is what you need to do...share this with someone. Someone in your circle is struggling and needs to hear you tell them "you got this" don't be afraid you have the power to give someone life through your words and your actions. Victory is over you so receive it. I believe in you...I know you all got this!

I love you all!
God led and God fed,
Creseida G


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