Nothing to hide

I have a real hard time with being real with myself. Because of that I keep a real tight circle of people who are what I would like to call "realist". Sometimes I feel like they come off mean but one of them made a very valid point this week when she said "no I just like to be transparent with myself as well as others...I have nothing to hide." That is when God hit me with a revelation for my blog this week.

When a person is transparent it means that their motives are easily read by their actions, meaning they have nothing to hide. I consider myself to be a very guarded individual, I use feel like sometimes if I let people see the real me that they would leave. Not true, the people that are in my life love me for the goofy, dramatic, and guarded individual I am and they draw out the best in me. 

What if we looked at God like that? I asked someone close to me about if its hard being transparent with God. Their response was "I think it's hard for everyone! I sometimes catch myself thinking (even during prayer) that I need to stop trying to trick myself God really knows what I am thinking and feeling." I had to include that because it is so true! Often time we feel like if we do not say it aloud to God that he is not going to acknowledge it. Not true! God desires for us to be so real with ourselves and him that it hurts. He's going to heal our hearts! 

In preparation for this blog my friend and I have been studying Psalms 51. David in my opinion has one of the most sincerest pleas for mercy to God. He is completely transparent with God. David's spirit was completely broken as he went to God in this Psalm. He knew that he had committed many crimes and he goes to God so transparently. David pleads for mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing. I believe that through this Psalm we as Christians learn that God has a desire for our hearts to be right with him. 

So I want all of my readers to stop, close your eyes and imagine yourself invisible. Imagine letting God see every part of your insides. The broken hearts, the loneliness, the desire to be filled up by him. Take that feeling and then allow God to make you whole. Allow him to fix what is broken, and he is not going to put a bandage on it he is going make it all new. God wants us to be close to him and experience his full and complete life. Never feel like you have to stay here in the place that you are in because you don't he loves you way to much for that. 

I love you all
God led and God fed,
Creseida G


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