This too shall pass...

This too shall pass...

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

So this last month has been a season where the enemy has really tried to take control of my life. I had to deal with a lot of emotions that were brand new to me. The hardest part during this time was trusting God to prevail. I had to really learn about GRACE and having a heart of FORGIVENESS. God is so awesome y'all because he spoke to me even in this trying time in my life not only through his word but through his people.  

This text from Corinthians is so amazing because it reminds me how strong God is and how he doesn't care how weak we think we are because his power is always going to be on display. We have to place ourselves in a position to rely on God for our effectiveness rather than ourselves. When we admit that we are so weak that we can't do it on our own then it affirms God's strength. 

So recently I was talking with a friend about life and it's situations that it presents. I found myself overwhelmed and it felt like everything was hitting me all at once and she says to me "I have to remind myself on days like this that this to shall pass".

 When you are in the storms of life it is easy to feel weak and overwhelmed but I find peace that I serve a God that is great and mighty. From now on when you find yourself feeling like that remember that God's power is made so very perfect in our weakness and that whatever fleeting feeling that you are having will pass... God has everything under control. The sooner we realize that God is sovereign and he's never going to give us more than we can bare then we will be able to fully understand the magnitude of God's power.  I challenge you all to remember God's strength when you are thrown things this next week. Remember that God has such a crazy love for us!! 

I love you all!
God led God fed,
Creseida G 


  1. I love you and it will definitely pass :) I promise :) I hope you have a wonderful week at home! I am praying for you daily!


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