Something BIG

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: (Philippians 2:3-5) 

What have you done for someone else lately? Like really stop and look at the last few days of your life... What have you done for someone else? Okay if you have some something for someone else have you done it for the right reasons? 

People really only purely live to make good impressions. Rarely in a society like today's does a person do something just because they want to be sweet. Paul writes asking the Philippians to love one another and be one in spirit and purpose... It's simple when we work together caring for one another we demonstrate Christ's example of putting others first it's a symbol of unity. 

Think about Jesus... He was so humble. Willing so many times to give up his own rights in order to obey God and serve people. People were always the main focus in his ministry, making sure that other people were taken care of. 

Often time I wish that I possessed this quality... That I took care of people more but I let my selfish attitude get in the way. I think about how I may not survive if I give someone this or that... But this week I've asked God to really open my eyes about how I can be used effectively to his people. It's a hard battle with my flesh but I remember people in my life that are really givers. 

I have a friend (the sweet friend that caused me to read this passage) that is so selfless that it always causes me to look at my life. She's constantly allowing God to place her in a position to be a blessing in someone else's life. It's really amazing and encouraging to watch her ability to turn someones day around with a random act of kindness. She is truly always being God led. 

Friends being selfless is one of the most moving things ever. God has the great ability to be shown in those acts of kindness and care. I feel like a lot of times we fear pushing ourselves into this place that we are really unsure of but God calls us there through our relationships with one another to truly be like Jesus Christ. 

I love you all and I want you all to do something big for someone this week! 

God led God fed, 
Creseida Greene 


  1. Awesome entry! Will be looking forward to more inspiring messages from you!
    Lyndsey P.

  2. That's a good word sis! We all need to be reminded to check our motives. It is a good thing to do good deeds but those deeds should be done out of an overflow of love from our relationship with Christ. When we truly spend time pursuing Him we can't help but become more like Him.


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