Fresh Eyes
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:1, 9, 10)
I think I have probably read this particular text about the creation so many times in my lifetime as a Christian, but today I'm seeing this text in a whole new light coming off of my vacation. I sat on the beach the other day and I stood in awe of where I was at that particular time in my life. I could not help but see how amazing God is.
As I prepare for the next chapter of my life my goal is to look at it with fresh eyes. My goal is to see something new and amazing everyday that God gives me. I had a conversation with someone I worked with recently as I was preparing for a huge interview. He was telling me sometimes when people have been in the same position in life that it seems hard for them to see things differently than what they have always seen them. He said to me "I want to encourage you to come into work everyday with fresh eyes...scratch that I want you wake up everyday with fresh eyes"
I think for me that challenge felt like it held no value...I was like how can you change the way you see something that you have always seen? I wanted to see something new. I needed a new opportunity. That is not what God wanted. He wanted me to have fresh eyes in every area of my life. So I began reflecting on my life and what it stood for up until now and God began to reveal certain things to me.
The first thing that he revealed to to me was that I was not thankful enough. I take things for granted and I didn't even know it. I can remember having a conversation with one of my friends and she sent me this quote she read and it said "it's not happy people who are thankful, it's thankful people who are happy" I prayed and asked God to make me over in that area of my life. I wanted a true heart of thanksgiving. I wanted it to shine through in every area of my life.
The second thing he revealed to me was that I need to slow down and smell the flowers. This is really a metaphor saying that I am moving too fast. Often times I get so caught up in the direction of where my life is heading that I hardly ever just stop and take it all in. Honestly speaking I never really felt the need to stop but then God showed me that it gets lonely at the top especially when you fail to just stop and take everything in.
Finally God showed me that each day is new, and he makes all things new. I believe that is very important to remember that God affords us new mercies everyday. Sometimes we feel like we can never turn back to God after something has gone wrong, but that isn't true. God wants us to come back to him everyday, he has a love for us that looks past our mistakes.
I want to encourage anyone who is reading this to take a look at their life with fresh eyes. You may be battling with something that you feel is never going to turn around but I want to tell you from experience it can get better. I was a selfish friend and God created in me a better one. I was an ungrateful child and God created in me a wonderful daughter. I was lazy in my walk with him and he created in me someone who is all about HIM. When you look at life with fresh eyes you are allowing God to show you the person he has created you to be. You are able to look the ocean, the grass, or even yourself and say "God you did that" and be blown away by his wonderful power. So be encouraged my friends and know that everything will be great! I love you all!
God led and God fed,
Creseida G
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