There have been a few times in this precious life of mine where I have been so guilty of not giving 100% especially in my relationship with God. These past few days I've been in a golf tournament and it always amazes me how God deals with me when I'm in a setting such as this one. Before I even started competing this week I received a heart wrecking text from a friend where she brought up this thought "Romans 12:1-2 you are probably familiar with-- Be transformed by the renewing of your mind!! Well sometimes I forget to continue asking God to transform my heart an renew my mind and thoughts. We need to be able to recognize our negative thoughts and patterns and realize that God is our partner and power over them!! We need to put a stop to those thoughts as soon as we realize that they are not from God. But we can't do this without filling our mind with something new and life- that is Gods Word! We must then repeat new positive thoughts to ourselves over and over- it takes time it doesn't happen over night but just like we tell ourselves those negative thoughts that are Satans lies that become our reality over and over we must also tell ourselves the positive thoughts over and over and over! and slowly but surely God will clear the darkness in our minds. And finally.. we should and can always be rejoicing in the work God has done in our lives!"
That is so deep and rich!! How many of us are giving God pieces of us when he deserves so much more? *raises hand* but when we have a desire to be transformed by him in whole body mind and soul then pieces won't suffice. We have to get out of this mindset that if we don't identify with what we are feeling then God will just accept these scraps that we are giving him... Get out of denial and really earnestly talk to God. Start speaking from a heartfelt place and the rest will fall into place...
On my ride home today I was feeling sorry for myself and I asked my friend something and her response was "You need to desire God like you would desire anything else..." Wow let me tell you I thought about David and how he just had this crazy desire for God and God's heart. Yeah David messe up and fell short but you want to know what was amazing about his walk? He turned to God for everything no matter what... No matter how hard life was for him he continued to lean and depend on who God was in his life.
So my challenge to you as you finish reading this blog push yourself to give God more than just these pieces of your heart. Give him everything and trust him to put it all back together it's such an amazing place to be with him.
I love you all! God led and God fed,
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