Got Enemies?

Okay when I was younger I had a temper. There was this one time in elementary school when this guy kept putting his hand on my desk and I asked him politely to move it...yeah he didn't move it. So asked him one last time and he still didn't do I took my pencil and stabbed him in the hand. Okay while that was not the best choice of action I had a point to prove or I thought I did. Me and that guy grew up together graduated together and everything and he hated me and spread rumors about me. We became enemies because I didn't know how to exercise patience. I regret that now I wish I could back and react how God would have reacted. 

Life is crazy. I laugh about it sometimes. You wanna know what really makes me laugh? When people do not like me and they take that dislike to a whole new level and slander my name. You want to know what I do? I still smile. Because God is the ultimate fighter of battles. I am absolutely in love  with Exodus 14:14 " The Lord will fight for you, all you need to do is be still" that is so true. I have come to the conclusion in life that while I'm seeking answers from everyone else that God is already in the process of fighting the battle for me. 

We have to learn how to show people in our actions that God is already winning. Now that means you don't argue with someone over anything. As young women and men of God we are called to higher standards. We cannot react as the world would. I always seek God's response before I do anything. As I mentioned earlier in my story I should have used better judgement. I was not quite familiar with the whole "turning the other cheek" thing. 

What does is it mean to turn the other cheek? Well reader I'm so glad you asked! It means that we need to trust God to be the ultimate fighter of battles. If there is a co worker talking bad about you, before you go up to them with a whole slew of drama stop, pray, then proceed. I'm a firm believer in the power of prayer. Prayer keeps you from reacting how the world would. 

Psalms 3:1-3 is another example of how we should react towards our enemies. When circumstances go against us it is so easy for us to think that God is against us. I love how David reminds us that the opposite is happening. When everything seems to go wrong God is still for us. If a circumstance has turned against you do not blame God....SEEK HIM! 

Everyone has an enemy and I would be so naive to think that I can fight them on my own. I know that even in the darkest time in my life God has the most control over every situation. So I want to encourage you to seek his face. 

I love you! God loves you!
God led and God fed,
Creseida G 

*sneak peek* next week I will talk about spiritual beauty! You don't wanna miss it!  


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