I wish I could convey my excitement about this series of blogs I'm embarking on the next three weeks but instead I'm going to hope that it is evident in my thoughts that I put down.
Fear has been a huge topic for me lately, and my fear has in a sense kept me from being completely transparent with God. It always blows my mind when God reaches down and drops something in my spirit. Tonight I'm in the car listening to the radio and ordinarily my mind doesn't really key in to things that are going on around me, but tonight God was telling me to pay attention. Natalie Grant was talking about her new single "Hurricane" and what inspired her to write it. She talked about how it's he was in a deep depression and she found solace and comfort in the story where Jesus walked on water....
I came home and I decided to brush up on my Bible skills regarding Jesus and his ministry. I went immediately to that story found in Matthew 14:22-33 but verse 28 is the one that really speaks to me Peter says "Lord if its you tell me to come to you on the water". Now Peter was not trying to test God he was simply reacting in faith. He was afraid and it was storming and he probably just could not believe Jesus was instructing him to walk on water like it was solid ground, but he did it! Peter only sank because he took his eyes off Jesus<-------------ATTENTION that blew my mind!
How many times has God told you to do something and you took your eyes off him because of fear? I can raise my hand on that one. Fear leads to little faith...when Peter realizes that he is really walking on water in the middle of a huge storm he gets afraid and starts to sink, but when he looks back up at Jesus things start to look better for him!
I think of different situations where God has called me to walk on water and because of my lack of trust and faith in him I began to sink. Sink into this pit of depression and loneliness. You know what God reminded me of today? That when we focus on the waves of life and don't look to him for help we sink deeper into our situations.
God calls us to maintain our faith even when things are hard, we have to keep our eyes on him rather than the things that have the power to keep us down. I think about all the things that stop me from really and fully seeking the love of God and fear is one of them. Think of it like this when Peters faith wavered he reached out to Christ, yes he was afraid but he still reached out to Christ. Nothing was going to stop him. Don't let your apprehensions about life keep you from fully seeking and feeling the love of God, because he loves you and he cares.
I love you all
God led God fed,
Creseida G
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