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"The Lord is my helper I will not be afraid..." Hebrews 13:6 

Last year I had the chance to be a mentor to a group of freshmen during that week we spent the day at an outdoor camp with all kinds of activities. One of my freshmen talked me into getting in the zip line rotation and of course knowing that it was a fear of mine I still got in the line. The time came for me to climb the ladder and meet the attendant at the top and I felt sick. I looked down and saw all these people and I thought to myself "what am I doing?" The attendant could see the nervousness in my face and she touched my shoulder and said " I know you don't know me but I want you to know that it's going to be okay. It looks scary now but first off find comfort in knowing that you are safe and I'm not going to let anything happen to you, trust me and just jump right into the air and enjoy this." I said a quick prayer and jumped....

All summer I've been attempting to conqueror this notion of fear and being afraid to just be me. I get so wrapped up in other people's viewpoint of me that I neglect to really embrace the plan that God has for me. So I took this journey of fear by the horns and every morning I confess to God what I'm afraid of at that point and time, sometimes it's silly stuff to me other times its real and authenticate. The point is when I turn it over to HIM it becomes HIS. All of those negative emotions become a thing of the past and he allows me to see purpose for my life. 

Today I'm hanging with one of my intern brothers and we are giving each other challenges for this next year until we meet again and he says to me "Creseida I think that fear has kept you from seeing the full potential of your life. God has already given you help to conqueor your fears yet you're still afraid to be you... Why is that?" I honestly had never really thought of it in this light nor realized that I was giving off the image that I am afraid to be me. 

I learned a very important lesson today and the book of Hebrews hits it right on the head when it states "the Lord is my helper..." The only remedy for fear is to trust God to meet each and everyone of our needs. I'm not in your life today but I can guarantee you that I'm not the only one struggling with fear and being afraid so here is my challenge to you jump right in to whatever God is calling you to do. He may be calling you to commit your life more to him, he may be calling you to a different job, or even a different city. Do not be afraid for God is with you always and he is not going to let anything happen to us. You should find peace in that. You should find rest in that. You should find joy in that.

I love you all! 
God led and God fed,
Creseida G 


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