Head up!!!

Hello all it's me here again with another weekly thought for you all! I hope that this week has been amazing for you and if it hasn't I pray that it will get better. This blog this week is close to my heart so I hope it reaches each of you in a special place. So here it is...

How many of you know that people are watching you everywhere you go? In a society like ours image is everything, and people base a lot of things just off of how you look. I've played golf for ten years and ever since I first picked up that first club on the driving range with my dad people have always stopped and looked...not because I was good (which at the time I wasn't) but because I was a dark skinned girl playing. I can even think back into my relationships with people and I have always been insecure with my skin and how dark I am. I placed my value in if guys came up and talked to me or not. Why???Why do I care what people think of me, God loves me and that's all that should matter right? Right? People do not view it as that though.

So tonight while at my schools basketball game I had a conversation that lead me to write this blog with one of my dear friends we talked about insecurity and how I felt like sometimes I don't measure up to the other people in my life because of how I look, and she said to me "Cre I want you to start walking with your head up. Pick a spot and start walking to that spot. It's going to build your confidence. I know it is because it worked for me" this to me was profound I was like "God I hear you" now some of you may be reading this thinking "Creseida I'm fine I don't need this lesson" my answer to you would be this there may be another area of your life that you may be insecure about such as relationships, school, or even spiritually and I want to tell you to pick your HEAD UP because God is ready to do some great things within your beautiful heart all you have to do is pick your HEAD UP and start living for him. I know it's easier said than done but I believe in each and everyone of my readers and I am lifting you up in prayer even right now and I believe that you are all beautifully and wonderfully made through Jesus Christ.  I want to thank that friend that helped me without even knowing tonight. Be that inspiration for someone this next week, until next time... I want to leave you with this scripture

Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1 Peter 3:4) 
Remember what's on the inside will reflect onto the outside so no worries about what the world thinks of you at the end of the day God's opinion is the only one that matters.

Peace and love,
Creseida G

P.S. go check out the kid president...it will change your heart and life.



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