I made it...
Hello all,
It's me Creseida here for another weekly blog. I trust that this blog is finding you all very well and blessed. What a week this has been! I have been torn down since it started and I allowed it to be that way, I realized today that I could have turned it over to God at any given moment. I think as humans we like to sit in our mess. Now if that offends you I am so sorry but it is reality. I also say that we like to sit in our mess because we know that there is a positive alternative to the mess that we are sitting in but we do not want to face that reality. My mess this week was one I actually could have prevented I chose not to because in a sense I liked feeling sorry for myself and I wanted other people to feel sorry for me. God does not want us to sit in self pity and wallow he wants us to come to him for comfort but he is not going to force it on us either. When I reflect on my life and where God has brought me from versus where he is taking me I get excited just thinking about it. I am so glad that I am not the person that I use to be but isn't it crazy how old habits creep back in? Those feelings of loneliness and discontentment are easy to let consume our lives, but you know what I think you should do? Tell all of those negative feelings to shut up and pray to God and ask him to help you rid yourself of those feelings that are negative. I just read this quote that said something amazing, "Rock bottom is not a bad place. It's bad if you continue to ignore God, it's good if you allow him to rebuild your foundation with HIM first" So here is my challenge to every person reading this blog right now I want you to pray and ask God to rebuild you so that at the end of this journey you can say "I MADE IT". I want my readers to know that you are capable of making it with God's help. I love you all
Your sister in Christ,
Creseida G
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