
Showing posts from 2014

We Win

So I'm driving home after work and I'm taking a moment to reflect back on my year. I had some highs. I had some lows that tried to keep me down, but nothing compares to the moment where it all comes together. The moment where every lesson that God has sent you starts to reveal his perfect plan for your life. So I decided to tell you all 5 lessons that I learned this year that showed me I was a winner in the end of 2014.  1.  I deserve everything that this world has to offer.... I just have to go get it. If you know me for real you know that I am such a scaredy cat. I take the safe route in everything from what I eat to what I wear. The moment I have to step out of that comfort zone of safety I get really scared. Recently me and my best friend traveled to Mount Bonell. Now Destiny is definitely the free spirit... She's climbing to the top and I'm cool with just sitting at the bottom not trying to get hurt. This particular day she says to me "you will never know wha...

Found Love In Me

"I'm not afraid to walk away with God I'm free cause I found love in me..."  As I get ready to turn a new age this week I find myself reflecting back on one of the most impactful years I have had age wise. I learned how to love more selflessly. I graduated from college :). I experienced what it's like to move away from your best friends. I've learned how to be in long distance friendships. I've learned about God's grace and how faithful he teaches me to be. Whew those life lessons will forever hold a special place with me but I had three things that were impactful for me so I wanted to share them with you.   1. Always be real with yourself! When you trust yourself you start making all the right choices.- I feel like this year in my life I have desired to be surrounded by real, honest and transparent people. Like my heart has craved it without even knowing it. I feel like I've learned this life lesson really well from my friend Corinne thi...

We Are

"Fight the shadows and conqueror death...we are the light of the world and we gotta let the light shine"---- We Are by Kari Jobe I'm broken. I think I'm bold enough to own that in this stage if my life. I live in a world where I'm constantly pushing people that love me away because in my mind I have this delusion that love hurts, because I have chosen previously not to guard my heart. I allow my insecurities to rule me to the point where people question if my confidence exists. Each "devastation" I have allowed myself to suffer has been confirmation of my secret insecurities. Feeling unworthy of true love, I allow myself to settle for what the world offers me, but this crazy thing happened today... God showed me his love in a new kind of way and it was selfless, humbling and true. I heard him calling me out of this place of hiding into a place of walking with him. I heard him requiring me to really trust him in this place that I am in.  I believe that a ...

You are more

I once heard that there is something therapeutic about owning your truth. Owning the person that you are. That person can be broken, scarred, or whole but it's necessary to own every part in order to share your truth.  What's my truth? That question has plagued at my heart for the longest time. Is it okay to let a person see you at the most vulnerable state that you've ever experienced? My fear is that people will meet the real me and decide that I'm "too much" and leave.  I'm broken, lonely and seek love in all the wrong places. When I was in middle school I had a crush like most girls do and before school I was standing with my "friends" outside the school and this boy was talking to his friends and they were pointing at me. One of my friends approached the boy and asked what was so funny and he said "man your homegirl looks like tar!" My crush was among that group that laughed so From that day forward I hid in the shadows everyday u...

Goodbye Now, Hello Future

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13) If you would have told me 5 years ago I would be here in this place preparing to graduate I would have laughed at you. Not because I knew I would get here but simply because I didn't believe it was possible. That's how God works though. He laughs at us when we believe and tell ourselves that we are capable of ordering our own steps.  How do I sum up the best five years of my life? God is faithful. Everything that he has desired for me to complete while in college I feel like I have completed. Have I always walked in the calling that he has asked or required of me? No. But I'm thankful that he loved me enough to put me back on track.  I love this passage from Jeremiah 29 especiall...

Not Alone

"O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you." Psalm 38:9 Lately I've been on a journey. A journey where I have been seeking to put back together the pieces of me that were dropped and broken along the way. The hardest part about taking this journey has been the being alone part. I'm so very use to having someone in the physical sense that knows how to reach me where I am. Why is it so hard to be alone? According to a close friend of mine she states it simply  "I think it's human instinct to feel like you need to be attached to someone because you are from birth. So when you are finally old enough to detach from your parents your mind still tells you that you need attachment to something or somebody." I gathered from that this: that attachment is a necessary part of who we are has humans.  I am a firm believer that God meets us where we are at in life. There are certain things that God has to grow us through alone. Every strug...

Dear No One

So over Christmas break my mom and I were watching tv and I was upset because all of my siblings were off on their various adventures. Like it was really disturbing me, so after we had dinner my mother asked me "do you feel like you will be alone forever." I waited a little while before I answered then stated "yeah I do because it hard always feeling alone when everyone around you seems to have someone" then this is where my mom hit me with that revelation like she does "well Creseida you need to trust God at this time in your life. You can't want what he has not desired for you to have yet. He has someone out there for you. You have to believe that. Do you believe that?" Do I believe that? I would be lying if I said that I do 100% of the time. This season of being single has probably been the hardest as I get older in age. It forces me to come to terms with things that I am dealing with internally. I deal with placing my value every where but in God. ...