
Showing posts from May, 2013

Fresh Eyes

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:1, 9, 10)  I think I have probably read this particular text about the creation so many times in my lifetime as a Christian, but today I'm seeing this text in a whole new light coming off of my vacation. I sat on the beach the other day and I stood in awe of where I was at that particular time in my life. I could not help but see how amazing God is. As I prepare for the next chapter of my life my goal is to look at it with fresh eyes. My goal is to see something new and amazing everyday that God gives me. I had a conversation with someone I worked with recently as I was preparing for a huge interview. He was telling me sometimes when people have been in the same position in life that it seems hard for ...

Nothing to hide

I have a real hard time with being real with myself. Because of that I keep a real tight circle of people who are what I would like to call "realist". Sometimes I feel like they come off mean but one of them made a very valid point this week when she said "no I just like to be transparent with myself as well as others...I have nothing to hide." That is when God hit me with a revelation for my blog this week. When a person is transparent it means that their motives are easily read by their actions, meaning they have nothing to hide. I consider myself to be a very guarded individual, I use feel like sometimes if I let people see the real me that they would leave. Not true, the people that are in my life love me for the goofy, dramatic, and guarded individual I am and they draw out the best in me.  What if we looked at God like that? I asked someone close to me about if its hard being transparent with God. Their response was "I think it's hard for everyone! I ...

Every Promise

" But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"Matthew 6:33-34 You know what I am learning? That people worry about the craziest things! People worry about anything from finding their lost car at the grocery store to how their bills are going to get paid. While I know that everyone does not have the same faith in God that I do I sort of wished that they did. God speaks very clearly about worry more than once in the Bible yet people still stress out about things that they should turn over to God.  There have been many times in my life where I have not trusted God nor have I sought him like I should have. Four years ago today I remember sitting in my mothers room senior year of high school with her asking me what I wanted to do about college. I had sent out video after video of my golf swing and it was looking...

Thank you

When I think about the type of woman I want to be some day I think about the women that are in my life. The women that are or have invested  time and resources in me, women that pour into my life. I think of my  grandmothers, my aunts, my sisters, my friends, and most importantly my mom.  All week I have been looking at certain scriptures and women in the Bible who were God led women but I kept coming back to Proverbs 31. Proverbs has so much to say when it comes to women. People confuse the the idea that women in the Bible were all dried up and completely domestic. No the women in those times were EVERYTHING they got up early and stayed up late. Their strength and dignity did not come from their achievements they are a result from her reverence for God. We live in a society where appearance is everything...they never mention a women's appearance because it did not matter attractiveness in those times came entirely from character.  My mom is a woman of great characte...

You Got This

What a week this one has been. I had finals and that stressed me out and I was just feeling overall defeated. I really couldn't convey to my friends about how I really was feeling because they were just as stressed as me. Sunday night I decided to really just stop. I stopped and pulled out my journal and my Bible and I began to dive into the word. I remember asking my roommate what our positive affirmation for the week was going to be and she said "eat more ice cream sandwiches" haha needless to say I stared at her. I decided on this "no matter what this week throws my way I am determined to be more than a conqueror" she loved this. I wanted God to take away this feeling of stress that I had. God led me to Romans 8:28-39 and then I was like okay God I see you! Then Monday I was talking to my roommate and I asked her what her favorite scripture was and she said she loved all of Romans 8. I laughed out loud literally because that was the second time he dropp...