Dear Young Girl

Dear Young Girl,

It's me future you. I know you are wondering what's on the other end of your hurt. You are 13, going through the motions of life, and trying to figure out how your image fits into what's going on around you. You love Jesus, golfing (sometimes), and reading books. You are quiet, rarely talk to people unless they approach you. However, some crazy kid (that you will forgive later) is going to say something so hurtful that's going to question your ability to be great. It will rock your world. You are going to scrub your skin to be lighter. You are going to find other outlets that aren't the right outlets to release pain.

I spent the weekend traveling back to the place where our transformation first took place. Seven years ago I dared to be different and I stepped on to the campus of a school in Montgomery Alabama. Afraid of all the things that could have gone wrong, God showed favor on my life from beginning to end. This weekend I sat amongst our friends from college and heard them say "you look good" and I couldn't receive it, I just smiled and said thank you.

Perception is going to be something you will become very familiar with at age 26. How you view yourself versus how the world views you will become the cornerstone of how you begin to heal the scars of your past. We all need someone to love us when we fall. God is going to send that in the form of your sweet future friends. One day they are going to look at you and show you everything you never thought you could be after hearing you weren't  good enough. They are going to shed light and scripture about what good enough looks like in God's eyes.

Let me tell you that I'm constantly reminded of God's faithfulness in our life. You are going to see that if you understand who you are,  you have the power to influence the lives of others.

People value you baby girl. You don't see it now at 13 but it's coming.

Love you,


Photo by Rachel Graham
Hair by Kateshia Greene (


  1. So touching, from such a beautiful, independent and responsible woman. I'm so proud that you are reaching back to the young girl in you,she can help the aspiring woman in you. We are all connected, my tears are with your tears. No one ever escapes. But yet we rise. To God be all the glory.

  2. So touching, from such a beautiful, independent and responsible woman. I'm so proud that you are reaching back to the young girl in you,she can help the aspiring woman in you. We are all connected, my tears are with your tears. No one ever escapes. But yet we rise. To God be all the glory.


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