Sweet Victory

“I’ll survive because I have sweet victory…”-Trip Lee

I love this time of year. I love seeing people get motivated to do things differently next year. I love seeing these great reflections of who God is and how he moved in their lives this past year. I Love hearing stories victory, triumphs, failures and success. Why? Because God is a God of sweet victory. So no matter how the year starts off. No matter how many resolutions we fail to keep God still meets us in the sweetest of victories.

You see God does not promise to eliminate challenges, instead he gives us strength to meet those challenges we are faced with. Truth is if we didn’t have hard mountains to climb, and no battles to fight we would not grow.

Psalm 18:32 says “It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.”

He makes our way perfect and oh boy did I need that reminder a lot this year as I tried to rely on my own strength to get through. Let me give you my three nuggets of wisdom that I learned through this place of being uncomfortable.

1)      My imperfections will never override God’s promises- I don’t take risks in this life. Like literally I fear wearing the wrong color in fear that it may clash with my skin in the wrong way. I have a hard time making decisions because I always fear where it will lead me in the long run. I honestly believe this is why I have a hard time making a decision regarding my career sometimes because I feel like I have to have the perfect job. You know what occurred to me this year? I am 25 and never in life does God require me to be perfect. God does not require me or you to be perfect. Why? Because God is present in all things. He can turn every circumstance that is placed in our way into an outcome that is imperfectly perfect. You love him right? Okay so do not be blinded by the mistakes or decisions that you cannot seem to make.

You don’t have to be perfect for God to meet you where you are.

Trust in God and every sweet promise that he has for you in this sweet life.

2)      What I am worth to the world is much bigger than me- This year I found myself seeking validation from everyone except God. I allowed myself to be defined by people that knew nothing about me or my desires. I did not cling to scripture like I found myself preaching to my friends. Right before thanksgiving I found myself being so raw and exposed in front of a friend. We determined that my lack of worth that I believed I had was a lie.You see  1 Peter 2:9 says that you are a royal priesthood, and a people belonging to God. Stop going with the flow of life and start going with the flow of Christ! Do not allow yourself to be sucked into this lie the world feeds us into believing that our value is found in people or things. You belong to God homie and don't ever forget who you are striving to represent. I remember growing up and leaving home and my parents always reminding my siblings and I that we represent them whenever we leave the house. Meaning that when people interacted with us they say “you are such a well-mannered child…your parents raised you well” I didn’t get it then I was simply being obedient. Now when I leave the house my desire is not just represent my family my number one goal is to represent Christ. God chose me and it feels great to be chosen by a Father who has done such great things. So carry yourself with the highest of standards because you are worth more. Think like the Kings and Queens I know you are. Do not conform to the pattern of this world.

3)In the quietness I need to trust my strength- I have a hard time waiting. In the waiting my mind begins to race and I start trying to figure things out on my own. I don’t have to confess how big of a mess that is. This year I learned how to be weak and vulnerable, because it is in those moment that I get to see the beauty of God being God. Truth be told life provides enough craziness on its own I don’t need to add to the crazy by being extra. When those moments come we have to rely on God’s perfect power and perfect peace. He is sovereign in those moments where we fear that life is not going to get better.

I don’t know the status of your year. I don’t know how you feel about a New Year beginning. Speaking for myself I am beyond excited because life only gets better through Christ from here. You may be weak but you are alive. You will survive because you already have sweet victory.

Dear God,
Help me to remember that I was bought with a sweet price already. I am giving you the glory for the things that are preparing to happen for me. May my life constantly and always be a reflection of you and your perfect grace.

Make Me Better
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