On the Run

Have you ever experienced a journey so long that you wondered where in the world the transition was? You sit and you wait for a turning point to happen and eventually you see the need to take matters into your own hands and when things do not go as planned you run away from life and its responsibilities. You find yourself staying up at all hours of the night. Naturally, we get frustrated. The frustration exhibits differently for everyone. Maybe finding the source of their wound becomes your obsession because it keeps you from feeling your own. Or you choose to not invest fully because you don’t want to risk needing someone and then them leaving. Heaviness in your chest. searching for identity in everything except the cross.....Oh this isn't your testimony? My bad. Let me let you in on a secret:

"We just know that the pain of confronting whatever is plaguing us makes us run..."

So what then do you do when God places you back in the environment where we have to submit to ourselves. Where we have to humble ourselves and go back to the place that we ran from? Before we can set a plan and make preparations for our lives we have to go back to the place we came from. If we are truly being honest about our situations a lot of us run out of fear thus attracting more fear. Why do we do that? Why do we allow the anxiety and pressure that fear creates rule our lives to the point we become a danger to ourselves and the people we love. 

We miss the blessing that is created in preparation of our super hard hearts becoming soft with the love of Christ. We start wanting to be the controller of all things instead allowing God to be sovereign and take control. Can you submit yourself to him? Can you handle the discipline of having to let go of the things that are keeping you from Him? Stubbornness towards God amounts to rebellion against him, thus thinking that "we got it" when really the whole time we don't.  

Let me shed some light and hopefully it meets you in the dark place of where you are.

"Your chains do not dictate where you are" 

You do not have to stay in this place where you run away from the place God is calling you to. Don’t let pride rob you of the beauty in the ebbs and flows of life. It’s okay to not be okay. Full submission to Him doesn’t require that you have strong will. It does, however, require full trust in His. He says that in our weakness and moments of running he still makes us strong.

Are you willing to let His strength be made perfect in you?


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