Masterpiece: Royalty

"You've been called out of the darkness into the marvelous light do you know who you are? Royalty..."

When I started writing these blogs I never in a hundred years thought they would turn into this place for me. A place of comfort where I began to share my hurt and insecurities. So recently when I decided to start this series called Masterpiece I knew I was going to have to search deep in the barrows of what I thought were healed wounds in order to be a true blessing to someone. 

I went on a date a few weeks back. The guy seemed nice leading up to us meeting for dinner. So we met up. He said he had to go to the restroom and I waited and he never returned. As I walked outside to get in my car and collect my life, I see him driving off. I called him, no answer. I proceeded to text him and his response was crippling "I thought you would be prettier in person" Those words were burned in my mind forever. 

Have you ever been stuck? I am not talking like stuck on a piece of gum stuck. I am talking about the empty and lonely stuck. Well maybe you are not brave enough to own that truth of your life but I am. I can remember a time (even now) where I constantly searched for validation from everyone but God. I never believed that true beauty existed because the world had fed me so many lies about what I thought I should look like. 

How about this... how many of us live in a world of comparison? I personally compare myself to everyone in my circle. "I am not as funny as my sister Erica...or trendy like Tesha" or "I am not as pretty as friend X I will never get a boyfriend.." These are all lies.... I did not learn this until recently. 

So the other night I was awake. Not an ordinary awake like wide awake. Mind you I had to wake up at 6am for work and the last thing I needed was my mind racing. This particular night I got on Instagram to fill my time and started to see different people that I followed living a life that seemed really full. Some of them were confident in who they were, others had relationships that spilled out happiness. I thought to myself: "I want that" That was honestly a lie that I thought I needed those crazy things. 

Recently the Lord spoke to me in a very clear way through 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." People often base their self worth on their accomplishments, but our relationship with Christ is so much more important than any of this material or physical stuff. My value does not come from people or things it comes from knowing that I am the child of a KING and he loves me more than this fickle world ever could. I have worth because of what God does not because of what I do. 

Bottom line is we have to let go of what other people think and own the fact we are worthy to be called royalty by someone who has already paid the price for our sin. It is hard to believe that we are worthy to come out of darkness. Look in the mirror and allow yourself to take off the mask that you are hiding behind. Allow yourself to be fully seen. Do not hide behind the lies of man and what they think you should be. Remember you cannot allow anything access to your life without denying it access to something else. For me I allowed someone to have access to heart and then it led me to this place of hiding from the one who has loved me through it all. 

Dear God, 
Thank you for calling me to royalty through your precious and selfless Son. Truly I am not worthy of the love you have shown. Thank you for showing me what the light feels like. 

Your Princess


  1. I love you and think you are absolutely amazing!!! You are truly beautiful inside and out!!!!


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