
Showing posts from March, 2013

Who you rolling with?

I dedicate this blog to all my Jonathan type friends. I want to thank you for all that you do to uplift me and push me closer towards Christ.  With a week like I have had where it has been busy but my mind has still been on a lot of different things. Yesterday was the birthday of someone that I held close to my heart for a short time while he was here on earth but he still taught me a lot about God's love for his children including me. So yesterday I took a personal health day and I just laid around and I prayed and asked God to send me memories in that time I prayed and really reached out to God earnestly and I thanked him for the relationship that I formed with Brandon for his time here on earth.  So while laying around I received a text from a close friend who told me that she was praying for me and that she knew that I was going through a tough time and that she was there if I needed to talk. Okay first I was not expecting it which is how I knew that it was God lead se...


I want to send a early happy birthday to my best friend Brandon Vaughn...I thank you for all that you taught me here on earth. RIP love you tons . Well I'm back after a much needed hiatus where I took some time for myself. Lately I've been struggling with this notion of the future. While I'm completely content in where I am at right now I'm still apprehensive about the future and what it holds for me. I stopped worrying about it and now I'm giving God more time and I'm writing and praying to him about my worries,letting him lead and direct my life. That time is so precious and crucial to me. In that time recently I realized this....we live in a fairy tale land. Think about when you were younger you wanted everything to be perfect when you got older. You wanted to meet the perfect guy (or girl for my men) and you wanted to live happily ever after. What the fairy tales failed to tell us was that everything is not what it seems often times you have to go through...