Masterpiece: Found
The older you get the more your heart craves for genuine friendships that feed not just your heart but your soul. I can remember my senior year of college and in all in chaos of everything I had going on God gave me four girls who lived together who adopted me into their home. They were the friends that I called on for silly things like a walk to chapel on my chapel days. They were the shoulders I cried on when golf was not going well and they were my BIGGEST supporters when it was. They were my C O M M U N I T Y in a world of chaos. Abbey, Kayla, Laine, and Laura were my college community. So naturally when the last bag was in my parent’s rental and I hugged Mama Wig (Kayla’s Mom) goodbye I could not help but feel like I was leaving so much of myself in the city of Montgomery. Two weeks later I started my internship with HEB and my first day in the store I was talking to my store director and we were sharing a little bit about our lives and I told her how I was struggling ...