
Showing posts from March, 2014

Not Alone

"O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you." Psalm 38:9 Lately I've been on a journey. A journey where I have been seeking to put back together the pieces of me that were dropped and broken along the way. The hardest part about taking this journey has been the being alone part. I'm so very use to having someone in the physical sense that knows how to reach me where I am. Why is it so hard to be alone? According to a close friend of mine she states it simply  "I think it's human instinct to feel like you need to be attached to someone because you are from birth. So when you are finally old enough to detach from your parents your mind still tells you that you need attachment to something or somebody." I gathered from that this: that attachment is a necessary part of who we are has humans.  I am a firm believer that God meets us where we are at in life. There are certain things that God has to grow us through alone. Every strug...