
Showing posts from February, 2013


I have two places that I love to be in the whole entire world and one of them is on the golf course in the spring time. I love it because I can smell the fresh magnolia trees and the grass is really green and the sun shines brighter than ever. I feel so FREE. Golf is my escape its where I feel the most myself and I get a lot done thinking wise on the course, sometimes I allow God to talk to me there. I thank him for all the beauty that he has created especially in that very moment because I am undeniably happy with the blessings that he has given me.  Where is your favorite place to be FREE?  It may be your hammock, on your couch, or even in the world of your favorite novel. Wherever it is do you allow God to talk to you there? Do you give God his time?  You don't have to just talk to God on Sunday when you attend church, or when you say your prayers...sometimes he just likes to hear your voice.  Real moment... I'm really bad about calling home. When I ...

Head up!!!

Hello all it's me here again with another weekly thought for you all! I hope that this week has been amazing for you and if it hasn't I pray that it will get better. This blog this week is close to my heart so I hope it reaches each of you in a special place. So here it is... How many of you know that people are watching you everywhere you go? In a society like ours image is everything, and people base a lot of things just off of how you look. I've played golf for ten years and ever since I first picked up that first club on the driving range with my dad people have always stopped and looked...not because I was good (which at the time I wasn't) but because I was a dark skinned girl playing. I can even think back into my relationships with people and I have always been insecure with my skin and how dark I am. I placed my value in if guys came up and talked to me or not. Why???Why do I care what people think of me, God loves me and that's all that should matter rig...